revenge of the Mombie
check out this awesome email that a momfriend sent me yesterday. pretty much sums it all up:
I just made up a new term for how I feel this morning. I am a "Mombie" -- a Mom Zombie. A____ didn't sleep well last night. Also, I have been addicted to ice skating on the Olympics. Sick. Thank god it's rad, right? it made me jealous. after suffering through a few nights of the living dead myself i felt like i had earned a sweet name like Mombie. hell, i'm entitled to one. but how can i become a Mombie if i'm not a mom to start out with?
Looking forward to beer o'clock.
so it got me thinking, to the extent that i am capable of thinking any more. and then it dawned on me. do you know what i am?
i am a Poptard.