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Thursday, April 07, 2005

i, druggie

good news! at just 34 weeks into her gestation, mrs nice guy decided to ditch our demon obstetrician from the sulfurous pits of gynecological hell. you see, we like to live on the edge around here. we now have a midwife, which was a small mental/emotional hurdle for my sultry wife who wanted to be able to avail herself of an epidural if need be. this particular midwife is all about the natural childbirth, which means no drugs for mrs nice guy. she was so much happier with the midwife than our heinous, heinous OB that she was willing to forgo the promise of drugs just six weeks away from her due date. what a trooper.

i, on the other hand, will be having my own epidural inserted a day before her due date and will leave it in until the child goes to college.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, epidurals. So lovely. I was too much of a wimp to even think about not using the drugs.

Bravo to Mrs. Nice Guy!

4/07/2005 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Mrs. Nice Guy SHE CAN DO IT!!!

Seriously, it hurts like hell but when it's over it's over, man. Mr. Nice Guy, this means more work for you, mister. Get out your birthing ball and get crackin'!

Also, remember that Mrs. Nice Guy can hold this against you whenever you ever complain about the littlest pain, nick, or scrape for the rest of your life. NOTHING you will experience will be as bad as natural childbirth. She'll have one up on you forever. Bwahahahahahahaha!

4/08/2005 12:42 PM  
Blogger mr. nice guy said...

what are you TALKING about anonymous?! i have to shave my face like at least twice a week! YOU DON'T KNOW FROM AGONY.

4/08/2005 3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are certifiably crazy. You want the epidural BEFORE you go to the deivery room, probably before you get pregnant in the first place. That one would do anything else is insanity, INSANITY, did I say? You have time to think this over. Remember your own words, "epidural tearing", "bowling ball through the eye of a needle". And.....just what if... the baby is breach? Why would you take the chance?

4/12/2005 12:43 AM  

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