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Thursday, September 07, 2006

the denouement ... which is not actually as exciting as the word denouement might imply, being translatable as "the nakeding" and all

who's the best? you all are the best. bless you all of my cyber-angels, various and sundry. bless.

when i was growing up, the communal space i spent most of my time in was the playground, not this tubular interweb. and most of the time when beatdowns were being administered, i was at the receiving end. somebody has to dig the ditches, right? well, that was me, in a playground-beatdown-metaphor kinda way. but now? now that i'm a full grown post-beatdown man with internets accesses? OH THE RIGHTEOUS FURY OF HE WHO NOW TURNS THE BEATDOWN TABLE UPON SOMEONE ELSE AND ACTUALLY HAS A POSSE AT HIS BACK TO STAND UP FOR HIM AND HELP HIM OUT OF A RUN ON SENTENENCE THAT IS NO LONGER MAKING ANY SENSE.

a final word to claudia: and what, beeyaaaah?! how does it feel to be an "invalid friend?"

a final word to the myspace overlords: those are the harshest words you can muster? when i read "invalid friend" i think of the bubble boy's best buddy. if i were king of myspace, the message you would be seeing on what used to be claudia's page would read more along the lines of "this friend was a skank-ass sucka post-ganking snatchdragon crackwhore goth poser so we busted about twelve caps in her account. AND WHAT?"

(deep breath)

sorry, a little slaphappy. on an unrelated note, did you know that Time Out New York is opening a lounge? and that the new yorker will be hosting a dance party in october? what the fuck? i am now offically holding my breath until i can drink a few fingers of bourbon at the Cat Fancy Annex.


Blogger Eris said...

I agree. Why didn't the page say something more satisfying, like, we removed this page because the person was PLARIARIZING and that is completely unacceptable. ANYTHING. The statement there only implies that either she had the damn dignity to take it down herself (and is now posting it elsewhere) or they finally did something about it, but now we will never know. Watch your comments! You know "Claudia" is out there a lurking somewhere. Also? I would like to add you to my links please. Because if I can't steal your stuff I should at least let people know where to find it.

9/07/2006 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a denouement isn't it! i feel like we've all been standing around the water cooler (we don't actually have a water cooler where i work, i'm just imagining) talking and talking and talking, because something really important has been going on that required all of our attention. like if there were people not at the water cooler, we leaned over their cubicles and said "psst. we need you over here." and so we talked a lot, until there wasn't all that much more to say. but we still stood there. someone actually drank some water. and then herspace closed to outsiders, so we all started talking again. loudly. and a lot. and then we all had to go home and go to bed eventually. but when we came back to work, we checked our email and read our blogs and then we went right back to the water cooler and talked about whatever we could think of to talk about. some people wandered back to their desks. and then. boom! Invalid Friend ID! haha -- whoop that trick! and we got all snarky and patted each other on the backs for a job well done, but like, that's it? done? and then someone mumbled something about having some work to do. and someone else said "yeah, me too." and one-by-one, we dispersed.


9/07/2006 11:54 PM  
Blogger Dayngr said...

Hmm Mr. Nice Guy, this was my 1st visit and it seems you might not be all that nice.... LOL nah just kidding.. I surfed over here from Amalah and you were like GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR but I see why and of course, see the need to growwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl.

9/08/2006 1:52 AM  
Blogger Creative-Type Dad said...

What really pisses me off is this little freak "Claudia" is probably getting off on this attention.

I hope Morrissey sends evil monkeys to pee on the carpet of her crack house.

9/08/2006 2:58 AM  
Blogger Kristy said...

Awesome usage of denouement. Is it really "the nakeding"? I always thought it was "The unraveling of the knot". Maybe that is just the "appropriate thing" I can tell my sophomore World Lit students. :)

9/08/2006 7:51 AM  
Blogger mr. nice guy said...

it's only 7:52 in the am and laurie already wins the gold star for the day.

9/08/2006 7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Snatchdragon may be my new insult word for the month...

9/08/2006 9:20 AM  
Blogger Freckle Face Girl said...

I just noticed that you live in UAE. I spent a year in Qatar about 9 years ago... great memories.

9/08/2006 10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! gold star! from mr. nice guy! cool! lots of exclamation points!

9/08/2006 2:00 PM  
Blogger Eris said...

hmmm, did I miss out on a gold star because I cannot spell? Damnit!

9/08/2006 4:37 PM  

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