sad but true
"what are you guys watching?"
"one of the DVDs i got for the kid."
"hey, this isn't bad."
"this song is pretty good."
"i like her purple leather pants."
"sproingy curls, too ... interesting."
"what's interesting?"
"nothing. this is cute. wait. is that a wedding ring? she's not married to that bass player dweeb is she?"
"oh my god!"
"you totally have a boner for laurie berkner!"
"one of the DVDs i got for the kid."
"hey, this isn't bad."
"this song is pretty good."
"i like her purple leather pants."
"sproingy curls, too ... interesting."
"what's interesting?"
"nothing. this is cute. wait. is that a wedding ring? she's not married to that bass player dweeb is she?"
"oh my god!"
"you totally have a boner for laurie berkner!"

No shame in that man :)
You say that now, but once you try to go to sleep tonight and you can't get "B-o-o-t-s-- BOOTS" out of your mind I think you will feel differently!
"they ate their burritos with tobasco. They put it on their rice; they put it on their beans; on their rudabegas and on their collared greens"
Why is it this song inspires my toddler to dance but not eat her rice, beans, rudebegas, collared greens, or anything else!
I can't tell you how many times I've seen people come to our blog searching for "laurie berckner tits."
Yeah, I know, I've got a pig on my head. The kids tell me whenever we listen in the car.
Wait until littlest nice guy is old enough for my brother ricky's for sale.
Sad...but not as bad as getting a chub from Rachel Ray.
oh mr. nice guy, how COULD you?
You know what is really freaky? Watch the dvd once and ONLY pay attention to Brian, aka Mr. Laurie Berkner. That guy is SUCH a tool! How can she be intimate with him after seeing him contort his mug into monkey faces like that? I am not surprised at all that he has left the band--probably to save their marriage. Do I know a little too much about the Laurie Berkner band? Yes. I blame my two year old and Jack's Big Music Show.
I agree w/you anon 11:01 - brian is big time yucky. Also, the keyboard player actually sucks. Plus, Laurie Berkner herself is mildly irritating. But at least she washes her hair, unlike Dan Zanes.
It's Brian's nostrils... as much as I like Laurie & her songs, I have a difficult time watching because of those gigantic black holes in his face, they are too distracting. I didn't know they were married. Ick.
We purposely didn't get that for you guys because we thought we were the only ones who used Laurie as a babysitter! Anywho, after watching that DVD too many times I have come to some conclusions: 1) there is no way that nasally voiced keyboard player is singing harmony on "Moon, Moon, Moon" or any of other songs, me thinks this is a mini Milli Vanilli scandal in the making; 2) the inclusion of Brian on lead vocal on "Oh Susanna" definitely reeks of nepotism; 3) if you watch the "Moon, Moon, Moon" video real close there is an all too familiar look between Laurie and Brian that probably isn't suitable for kids.
4) at the end of "Under a Shady Tree" they all collapse together and Laurie's hand disappears into Brian's lap!
My kids music manifesto is here but is somewhat out of date now. John Flynn is the new big hero (Lori mentioned his, "My Brother Ricky's for Sale") I would add Bubboon and Bubbles of Cheese Song fame to the mix. And really, isn't every They Might be Giants album a kids album when you think about it?
Western Dave
Barbara Brousal is the real babe of the kiddie entertainment world anyway.
Me and my buddy Todd checking in from 2017. Our kids are grown, but we still want to see Laurie Berkner's tits.
2020, and it's still true.
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